On this page you can find information regarding enrolment to Bachelor’s and single-cycle Master’s Degree Programs (Lauree Magistrali a ciclo unico), which can be accessed with a High school Diploma.
Some have an open access, and some have a limited access.
For limited access programmes, a selection procedure is required before the enrolment. Dates and deadlines to sign up vary from course to course.
Enrolment for the a.y. 2024/2025 starts on 24 July 2024.
For more information about enrolment to Master’s Degrees (Lauree Magistrali), please visit the following webpages:
- Master’s degree: students with non EU citizenship
- Master’s degree: students with EU citinzenship
Search here for the course that interests you or browse the list of courses sorted by study area:
Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences
- Aerospace engineering
- Architecture and building engineering
- Biomedical engineering
- Chemical engineering
- Civil-environmental & building engineering
- Computer engineering
- Electronic engineering
- Energy engineering
- Engineering for the industrial design
- Engineering management
- Maritime and naval science
- Mechanical engineering
- Techniques for civil construction and land management
- Techniques for mechanics and production
- Telecommunications engineering
Health Sciences
- Audioprothesic techniques
- Biomedical laboratory techniques
- Childhood neuro and psycomotricity
- Dentistry and dental prosthodontics a.y. 2024/2025
- Dietistic
- Dental hygiene
- Environment and workplace prevention techniques
- Imaging and radiotherapy techniques
- Medicine and surgery a.y. 2024/2025
- Midwifery
- Nursing
- Pharmaceutical chemistry and technology
- Pharmacy
- Physiotherapy
- Podiatry
- Psychiatric rehabilitation techniques
- Sciences and techniques in clinical and health psychology
- Speech and language therapy
- Sports and physical education
Social Sciences
- Banking, finance and financial markets
- Business, work and administrative legal services
- Business studies
- Economics and commerce
- Law (Naval Academy)
- Law
- Management for Business and Economics a.y. 2024/2025
- Management and law of logistics systems
- Maritime and naval science (Naval Academy)
- Political science
- Science of social work
- Sciences for peace: international cooperation and conflict transformation
- Tourism sciences