The Degree Program in Sports and physical education has a limited access.
In order to enroll, students must pass a selection.
The call for the academic year 2022/2023 has been published.
Places availability
140 places for EU and equated non EU citizens
10 places for non EU citizens residing abroad and applying for VISA (5 reserved to Marco Polo Project candidates)
How to sign up to the admission test
Sign up or log in to the Alice portal by 25 August 2022 at 12:00 noon:
- In order to sign up you will be asked to insert details about your Health Insurance card (tessera sanitaria) and your tax code (codice fiscale)
- You will have to upload a scanned copy of your Identity Document and a passport-sized photograph
- Once you entered your personal area, please select “Secretariat” and then “Admission Test”
- Once you have completed the registration, a receipt of registration to the admission test with a unique number will be available
Admission Test fee
- The admission test fee of €30 must be paid by 25 August 2022
- You can find it in the Tax section on Alice portal
- Admission to test is subject to the admission test fee payment. Please see all the details.
Admission test
Date, place and time
13 September 2022 at 10:00 am
Place: Parco Migliarino, San Rossore, Massaciuccoli, Località Cascine Vecchie 1 – Pisa – Ippodromo di San Rossore
Documents to be carried on the day of the test
1. identification document valid by law
2. entry form – consisting of no. 2 pages. The form will be sent on 5 September 2022 to the electronic door box. Alternatively, you can print it out from the test d’ingresso portal (login and password are the same as on the Alice portal)
Test topics
The selection is based on a multiple-choice test.
The multiple-choice test will include 60 questions with 5 answer options; only one option is correct.
The questions are divided as follows: 10 on logic and general culture, 20 on physical and sports education, 15 in biology, 15 in chemistry and physics.
The score will be assigned as follows:
The correct answer earns 1 point
The incorrect answer removes 0,25 point
The unanswered question earns 0 points.
The duration of the test is 100 minutes.
Selection criteria
Successful candidates are admitted to the course according to the ranking list and subject to availability of the positions. In the event of a tie in the total score, the following prevails, in order:
1. the candidate with the higher score obtained in solving the questions related respectively to the following topics:
– logic and general culture
– physical and sport education
– biological sciences
– chemistry and physics
2. the younger candidate.
Ranking list and ranking scroll
Ranking list
Since only successful candidates are automatically included in the ranking scroll, unsuccessful candidates are not required to express their interest in ranking scroll inclusion.
The enrolment procedure is detailed in the section How to enroll.
How to enroll
Deadlines are included in the ranking list.
The consultation of the test will only be possible after the publication of the ranking list.
You can view your test by logging on to
To access your personal page you must:
- select the University of PISA from the list of available institutions;
- select the Sports and physical education 2022 admission test;
- enter your FISCAL CODE as your username;
- enter as your password the number of the admission test registration receipt (shown at the bottom of the pdf together with the date and time of application submission). Alternatively, the number of the receipt can also be retrieved from the reserved area of the Alice Portal in the section Secretariat-Admission test Registration by selecting the individual admission test of interest (the number of the receipt corresponds to the pre-registration number).
Winners must send their certificate of fitness for competitive sports, as soon as it is available, to
Previous years tests
Additional learning requirements
With regard to Additional Educational Obligations (obblighi formativi aggiuntivi, OFA), the scores reported on the applications for biology, chemistry, and physics will be reviewed. If candidates obtain for each subject less than one-third of the maximum grade score, they will have to contact the tutor of the subject (or subjects) to plan self learning activities to fill the educational requirements within the first year of degree program. This is mandatory in order to attend the exams of the second and third year.
Please find more details about study programs and career opportunities at Degree Program web page.