
Did you know that…

…after enrolling at the University of Pisa you have many services at your disposal: download the Guide!

…you will be assigned the institutional email address which you must use for all communications with Unipi

…you can take advantage of the “tutorato di accoglienza (Welcome tutoring) project” with the didactic secretary of your department, designed to help new students integrate into the university environmen

…you can get the Office 365 package through the site 

…you can access the university library services

…you can take foreign language exams/ certificates at the CLI-Interdepartmental Linguistic Centre

…you can request the reduction of tuition fees, via the Alice portal, as indicated on the website

…you can participate in various university activities: Choir and Orchestra, CUS sports activites

…you can take advantage of numerous discounts reserved for students, from companies and services affiliated with Unipi

…and many other opportunities designed for you to make your university experience in Pisa fulfilling, fascinating and exciting!

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